Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dead Rising 2 Splatters Microsoft's X10

Some very very cool Dead Rising 2 news surfaced at Microsoft's X10 event, held this year in San Francisco. Capcom officially announced the release date of Dead Rising 2 which is August 31st, 2010 (North America), Japan on September 2, and Europe September 3rd. Mark your calenders people!

Dead Rising 2 made another appearance in playable form, this time showcasing and elaborating on the weapon customization system shown in previously released screenshots.   A newly introduced aspect of this system is the ability Chuck has to "get ideas" for new weapon combinations by looking at certain items in the environment.

X10 Tools of the Trade Trailer

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero

Capcom also plans to release a prologue of sorts to Dead Rising 2 named Case Zero.  Case Zero will be a Xbox Live exclusive and will surface sometime before the retail release of DR2 .  It is intended to bridge the events of the first game to the second.  

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